Hey Family! I don't know about you but, I love when I'm able to use products in more ways than one! Am I right? Reusable items like bags and bottles or repurposed items like wine bottles and candle jars, makes me feel like my purchase was well worth it! The great news is, you can have that same feeling about your Body Butter! Want to know how? Let's dig into five different ways you can use your favorite Body Butter!
1. Massage

2. Cuticle Softener

3. Shaving Cream

4. Lip Balm
It's the Summer so we know it's hot and unfortunately, our body butters may melt.
The good things is, it's still very much usable for your body and lips!
Take a really small amount of your body butter and apply it to your lips!
As we know, a little goes a long way.
5. Overnight Treatment

Our skin takes an environmental beating, daily! It displays the effects of the environment by being hard, dry, cracked, itchy, and more. If you're have trouble with an area that is dry, cracked or itchy, apply body butter to that area, and if possible, cover it with sleeves, socks or a glove. Create the warm and moist atmosphere we mentioned before to get an uninterrupted hydration overnight. If one night doesn't do it, feel free to practice this nightly until you see the results you love!
I hope this was helpful and resourceful to you! Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @NaturaleGoddace. Shop our Whipped Body Butters and more at www.naturalegoddace.com